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Facebook akan di tutup 15 Maret?


Kabar mengejutkan datang dari Mark Zuckerberg. Pendiri situs jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia ini mengumumkan akan menutup Facebook bulan Maret 2011 ini. Mengelola Facebook membuat stress, begitu salah satu alasan Zuckerberg, salah satu anak muda terkaya di dunia, untuk menutup Facebook. “Facebook berjalan di luar kendali,” kata Zuckerberg dalam jumpa pers di kantornya, Palo Alto, Amerika Serikat.

“Stres mengelola perusahaan ini telah membuat hidupku menderita,” kata anak muda yang tidak peduli dengan uang ini. “Saya harus mengakhiri semua kesulitan ini,” katanya seperti dikutip Zuckerberg menjelaskan, mulai 15 Maret 2011, pengguna Facebook tidak bisa lagi mengakses akun Facebook-nya. “Setelah 15 Maret, seluruh website (Facebook) akan ditutup,” tambah Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs Facebook.

Sehubungan dengan rencana penutupan Facebook tersebut mulailah dari sekarang untuk membackup data seperti kontak alamat teman-teman Anda, arsip foto-foto di Album Facebook Anda juga catatan-catatan penting yang pernah Anda buat dan simpan di Facebook mulai sekarang.

Sungguh langka sosok seperti Zuckerberg ini, disaaat bisnisnya sedang mencapai masa keemasan (puncak) justru malah berencana untuk ditutup hanya dengan alasan semua ini tidak membuatnya merasa nyaman, suatu idealisme yang susah dicari di jaman serba materialis seperti sekarang ini. (Sumber)

PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.

“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”

Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.

“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”

Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.

“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”

Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.

“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”

However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.

“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”

Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.

But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.

“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”

The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.


SCementara ini di sebuah blog nomer wahid di dunia pembahasan rencana penutupan Facebook ini dikatakan sebagai rumor tak jelas yang membuat jagad dunia maya gempar berikut kutipannya:

It’s not clear how it started, but a ridiculous rumor that Facebook is shutting down is spreading fast on social networks.

The hot rumor — evidenced by Google Trends and gaining traction on Twitter — says that on March 15, 2011, Facebook will be closing down. Not taking a day off, not undergoing maintenance, but ending entirely

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BlackBerry Dijadikan Alat Mata-Mata Amerika?

Otoritas Uni Emirat Arab menegaskan bahwa salah satu alasan pemblokiran layanan BlackBerry di negeri kaya minyak itu lantaran adanya kekhawatiran bahwa data yang bersifat rahasia bakal diakses oleh mata-mata Amerika Serikat dan Israel. Karenanya, pemerintah UEA mencurigai BlackBerry merupakan alat AS dan Israel untuk melancarkan aksi spionase.

BlackBerry dicurigai menjadi alat mata-mata Amerika

BlackBerry dicurigai menjadi alat mata-mata Amerika

Kepala Kepolisian DUbai, Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, menyatakan, ada kecurigaan bahwa AS dan Israel mengakses data pengguna BlackBerry. “Amerika Serikat adalah penerima manfaat utama karena tidak memiliki kontrol atas BlackBerry, dan mempunyai keinginan untuk memata-matai UEA,” kata Dhahi Khalfan Tamim seperti dimuat harian Al-Khaleej yang dikutip REUTERS, Minggu (5/9).

“Pihak Barat menuduh kami membatasi kebebasan pengguna BlackBerry, sementara Amerika, Israel, Ingggris dan negara-negara lain diijinkan mengakses semua data yang ditransfer,” tambah Tamim.

Namun Tamim yang pernah secara terang-terangan menuduh agen Israel sebagai pembunuh pentolan militan Palestina di sebuah hotel di Dubai pada bulan Januari, tidak mengatakan mengapa Washington memiliki kepentingan dalam memata-matai UEA. Padahal, selama ini UEA memiliki hubungan baik dengan Barat.

Negeri kaya di Timur Tengah itu memiliki 500.000 pengguna BlackBerry. Namun pemerintah UEA akan menangguhkan fitur BlackBerry Messenger, email dan layanan browser Web mulai 11 Oktober mendatang, sampai pemerintah bisa mendapatkan akses ke pesan yang dienkripsi. Aplikasi BlackBerry Messenger telah menyebar dengan cepat di kawasan Teluk yang kaya karena menjadi pusat bisnis itu. Tapi karena datanya dienkripsi dan dikirim ke server di luar negeri, maka data tersebut tidak dapat dilacak secara lokal.

Ini pula yang telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran di negara-negara Teluk yang sadar akan keamanan, terutama di UAE dan Arab Saudi. Menurut para pengamat, kurangnya akses terhadap data BlackBerry bakal membatasai kemampuan negeri Arab itu untuk menemukan mata-mata, pembunuh ataupun kelompok militan Islam.
Sumber: JPNN

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Tutorial MPI Jilid Dua

Pembaruan dari tutorial sebelumnya. Sudah ada screenshot dari tiap-tiap langkah. Untuk cara menjalankan program bisa melihat di post sebelumnya.

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Contoh Program Untuk MPI

Ini ada beberapa contoh program untuk MPI, dari situs . Kebanyakan dinamik tapi menggunakan input file. Jadi silakan mengganti input file nya secara manual, baik dari jumlah maupun jenis datanya. Sudah di test beberapa buah, dan bisa jalan.

Ini link downloadnya:

MPI program to print Hello World
(Download source code ; hello_world.c / hello_world.f)

MPI program to find sum of n integers using MPI point-to-point blocking communication library calls
(Download source code ; sum_pt_to_pt.c / sum_pt_to_pt.f)

MPI program to find sum of n integers on parallel computer in which processors are arranged in linear array topology using MPI point-to-point blocking communication library calls
(Download source code ; linear_topology.c / linear_topology.f)

MPI program to find sum of n integers on parallel computer in which processors are arranged in ring topology using MPI point-to-point blocking communication library calls
(Download source code ; ring_topology.c / ring_topology.f)

MPI program to find sum of n integers on parallel computer in which processors are arranged in binary tree topology (associative fan-in rule) using MPI point-to-point blocking communication library calls
(Download source code ; fan_in_blocking.c / fan_in_blocking.f)

MPI program to find sum of n integers on parallel computer in which processors are arranged in binary tree topology (associative fan-in rule) using MPI point-to-point non-blocking communication library calls
(Download source code ; fan_in_nonblocking.c / fan_in_nonblocking.f)

MPI program to compute the value of PI by Numerical Integration using MPI point-to-point library calls
(Download source code ; pie_pt_to_pt.c / pie_pt_to_pt.f)

MPI program to scatter n integers using MPI collective communication library calls
(Download source code ; scatter.c / scatter.f)
(Download input file ; sdata.inp)

MPI program to gather n integers from p process and make the resultant gathered data (np) available on every process using collective communication library calls
(Download source code ; allgather.c / allgather.f)
(Download input files ; gdata0, gdata1, gdata2, gdata3,gdata4, gdata5, gdata6, gdata7 or gdata.tar)

MPI program to find sum of n integers using MPI collective communication and computation library calls
(Download source code ; reduce.c / reduce.f)

MPI program to compute value of PI by Numerical Integration using MPI collective communication library calls
(Download source code ; pie_collective.c / pie_collective.f)

MPI program to construct a communicator consisting of group of diagonal processes in a square grid of processes using MPI groups library calls
(Download source code ; diag_comm.c / diag_comm.f)

MPI program to compute dot product of two vectors using block-striped partitioning with uniform data distribution
(Download source code ; vv_mult_blkstp_unf.c / vv_mult_blkstp_unf.f)
(Download input files ; vdata1.inp and vdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute dot product of two vectors using block-striped partitioning with non-uniform data distribution
(Download source code ; vv_mult_blkstp_nonunf.c / vv_mult_blkstp_nonunf.f)
(Download input files ; vdata1.inp and vdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute dot product of two vectors using block -striped partitioning with cyclic data distribution
(Download source code ; vv_mult_blk_cyclic.c / vv_mult_blk_cyclic.f)
(Download input files ; vdata1.inp and vdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute infinity norm of a matrix using block -striped partitioning and uniform data distribution
(Download source code ; mat_infnorm_blkstp.c / mat_infnorm_blkstp.f)
(Download input files ; infndata.inp )

MPI program to compute the Matrix and Vector Multiplication using self-scheduling algorithm
(Download source code ; mv_mult_master_sschd.c and mv_mult_slave_sschd.c / mv_mult_master_sschd.f and mv_mult_slave_sschd.f)
(Download input files ; mdata.inp and vdata.inp)

MPI program to compute the Matrix and Vector Multiplication using block-striped row-wise partitioning with uniform data distribution
(Download source code ; mv_mult_blkstp.c / mv_mult_blkstp.f)
(Download input files ; mdata.inp and vdata.inp)

MPI program to compute Matrix and Vector Multiplication using block checkerboard partitioning
(Download source code ; mv_mult_checkerboard.c / mv_mult_checkerboard.f)
(Download input files ; mdata.inp and vdata.inp)

MPI program to compute Matrix and Matrix Multiplication using self-scheduling algorithm
(Download source code ; mm_mult_master_sschd.c and mm_mult_slave_sschd.c
/ mm_mult_master_sschd.f and mm_mult_slave_sschd.f)
(Download input files ; mdata1.inp and mdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute Matrix and Matrix Multiplication using block checkerboard partitioning and MPI Cartesian topology
(MPI Cartesian topology)
(Download source code ; mm_mult_cartesian.c / mm_mult_cartesian.f)
(Download input files ; mdata1.inp and mdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute Matrix and Matrix Multiplication using block checkerboard partitioning and Cannon Algorithm
(Cannon Algorithm)
(Download source code ; mm_mult_cannon.c)
(Download input files ; mdata1.inp and mdata2.inp)

MPI program to compute Matrix and Matrix Multiplication using block checkerboard partitioning and Fox Algorithm
(Fox Algorithm)
(Download source code ; mm_mult_fox.c)
(Download input files ; mdata1.inp and mdata2.inp)

MPI Parallel algorithm for solution of matrix system of linear equations by Jacobi method
(Download source code ; jacobi.c / jacobi.f)
(Download input files ; mdatjac.inp and vdatjac.inp)

MPI program for solution of matrix system of linear equations by Conjugate Gradient method
(Download source code ; congrad.c / congrad.f)
(Download input files ; mdatcg.inp and vdatcg.inp)

MPI program for solution of matrix system of linear equations A x = b by Gaussian Elimination method
(Download source code ; gauss_elimination.c / gauss_elimination.f)
(Download input files ; mdatgaus.inp and vdatgaus.inp)

MPI program for Sparse Matrix and Vector Multiplication using block-striped partitioning
(Download source code tar file ; sparse_matvect_c.tar / sparse_matvect_fort.tar)
(Download input files ; mdat_sparse.inp and vdat_sparse.inp)

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